Easy, controlled career site management
A career site is a considerable asset in a talent acquisition strategy. It reflects your employer brand and centralizes your job offers. Above all, it enables potential candidates to get in touch with you; whether they apply, subscribe to a newsletter or submit an unsolicited application. Managing a career site can be time-consuming. This often leads companies to outsource all or part of this mission, which unfortunately impacts not only their budget but also their ability to control their digital reputation.
What if managing a career site required neither a budget for outsourcing (agencies, freelancers...) nor a lot of time for in-house maintenance? Under these conditions, taking back control of your career site becomes even more interesting! Why and how?
The answer in our guide:
- Career site: 3 key figures showing why it's so important in talent acquisitions
- The benefits of managing an in-house career site - for recruiters, by recruiters
- Taking back control without wasting time is easy with a CMS (Content Management System)
- Ready-to-use AND customisable page templates
- WYSIWYG system: a simple way of creating and modifying content without smashing up everything
- In brief: everything you can do with a CMS without web expertise
- Is your career site performing well? 10 points to check