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Talent acquisition, candidate experience, new ways of recruiting, improved techniques... our articles accompany recruiters.

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Candidate Relationship Management : 15 recruitment actions
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15 relevant and overlooked recruitment actions that a CRM (Candidate Relationship Management) makes possible!

CRM (Candidate Relationship Management) software takes recruitment to the next level with little-known but ultra-relevant actions.
Emailing: candidates' expectations
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Emailing content that interests your candidates: the ultimate guide by profile (generation, sector, education background)

Recruitment: discover emailing content that is relevant for every candidate profile (generation, sector, level of education).
Automate event recruitment: our CRM guide
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Optimized & automated recruitment events with a CRM (Candidate Relationship Management) tool

Successful recruitment events and time savings? With Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) & automation, it's possible.
ATS & CRM: maximizing talent conversion
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ATS + CRM: 2 high-potential tools for converting talent into candidates

ATS + CRM (Candidate Relationship Management) improve recruitment performance + convert talent into candidates. How does it work?
Unsuccessful candidates: the free sourcing asset
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Unsuccessful candidates: how can recruiters capitalize on this gold mine?

Recruiters need to capitalize on unsuccessful but qualified candidates. Regular communication and transparency are key!
A recruiter’s guide to pre-recorded video interviews
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A recruiter’s guide to pre-recorded video interviews

What are the advantages of pre-recorded video interviewing? What interview questions should you ask? Best practices.
Explain the pre-recorded video interview to candidates
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Our tips to explain the pre-recorded video interview to your candidates

Explaining to candidates what a pre-recorded video interview is is essential to reassure them: be educational and transparent!
Rare profiles: 4 recruitment mistakes to avoid
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4 mistakes to avoid when recruiting rare profiles: the example of developers, to be applied to all talents

Recruitment process: identifying obstacles for rare profiles (e.g. developers) applications ? How can these mistakes be avoided?
10 ways to use chat for more effective recruitment
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10 ways to use chat for more effective recruitment

Chat is a relevant candidate recruiting strategy. We've listed the different ways you can use chat throughout the candidate journey.

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