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You want to hire faster? We’re here to show you how!  
The CleverConnect Talent Acquisition Platform will empower you to
fill your talent pools and manage talent data centrally
engage with talent at scale and increase conversion rates
leverage and measure all your recruitment sources
comply with GDPR effortlessly and benefit from local support
all in sync with your existing ATS and HRIS landscape

Don’t just take our word for it

Hear from some of our amazing customers who are recruiting faster.

We already use CleverConnect's automation functions to inform recruiters about new talent leads for their specific area of responsibility. Thanks to faster response times, we made our first hires in just six weeks, including for positions that are difficult to fill an for which we used to turn to headhunters for help. This is also a great success story for us.

Katharina Zehner R+V Versicherungen
Katharina Zehner
Recruitment Marketing & Social Recruiting, R+V Versicherungen

The CleverConnect platform is a living recruitment ecosystem that is very sustainable for us: A lead that is not hired immediately can be hire in the future. We needed a system that adapts to our very special needs: a combination of automations, referrals as well as nurturing functionalities and a central CRM to store all our profiles from various sourcing channels as well as matching to quick find the best candidates in our growing talent pools.

Florian Schrodt Medbase
Florian Schrodt
We already connect more than 1,000 companies...