CleverConnect is now a B Corp certified company.

Our DNA – Who we are and why we do what we do 

CleverConnect is the leading European solution for speeding up talent acquisition. Designed to help you attract a higher number of applications, engage your contacts efficiently, and capitalise on your talent pools, CleverConnect is the fruit of a continuous conversation between our experts, our clients, our partners, and various actors in the recruiting industry.

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Over 10 years of partnerships in numerous European countries

Thanks to the support and commitment of over 200 multicultural team members

Helping more than 1,000 remarkably diverse customers

A European success story striving to serve recruiters

A European success story striving to serve recruiters

We are the result of a handful of French and German tech companies (Meteojob, Visiotalent, Talentry, etc.) coming together to fulfil a shared mission: empowering recruiters to reach their talent acquisition goals in an ever-changing HR landscape.

We believe that artificial intelligence and technology have the potential to revolutionise the lives of company recruiters, which is why we create tools that enhance the capacities of recruiting teams. Our solutions allow for the best tech to join paths with the best human talent in the field of recruiting.

11 European Cities: This is where you can find us

Our offices - CleverConnect

Shared values underpin our journey with our clients and partners

CleverConnect is a unique enterprise whose founders and employees all share the same values:

We embrace challenges

We see challenges and changes as opportunities for growth and progress. Every challenge is an opportunity to learn. We proactively approach these situations with agility and a positive mindset.

We succeed together

We help each other, value diversity and see the qualities and complementarities in each of us. We have a common goal and build fulfilling relationships on our journey.

We seek for improvement

We are demanding to ourselves, embrace feedback to learn, and strive for progress. By using data and measuring performance we uncover inefficiencies and take the right decisions. Failing is ok and motivates us to improve.

We are customer driven

We put customers realities at the heart of our activities. We listen carefully to understand their needs and deliver solutions which make a difference.

Speed matters to us

We are in a race to serve our customers better than the competition. This requires fast progress, high reactivity and commitment to deadlines. Well done is better than perfect.
Driven by these values and their practical impact among our teams, our employees display commitment throughout the entire client journey, from ensuring project implementation to fostering ongoing enhancements. 

Highly committed teams and a positive impact on the recruiting industry

Since 2023, our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy has revolved around 5 main lines of thought and we’ve been implementing practical measures that align with our DNA in order to produce quick, measurable results in terms of our impact.
Our contribution to society
Our greatest achievement is undoubtedly our contribution to reducing unemployment in Europe, with our solutions assisting more than 10 million Europeans in their job search. More specifically, we focus on supporting job seekers who are particularly struggling, on promoting non-discriminatory practices and on increasing the diversity of applications received by our recruiting clients.
Our governance
Our governance has undergone some transformations since we updated our statutes, taking CSR aspects into account in our strategic decision making. Our Advisory Board comprises both men and women, and features independent members. We have also incorporated CSR criteria into our Executive Committee’s annual CSR objectives.
Our team
We promote behaviours and a work culture that are non-discriminatory and inclusive of all. We distribute equity through a shareholding programme that associates all our team members. Although we do a pretty good job in terms of diversity and occupational well-being, we still have a way to go in terms of hiring more women. To find out more, review our Gender Equality Index report.
Our support for local communities
We’ve deployed an employee volunteering programme whereby team members can contribute to initiatives alongside charities involved in the employment sector.
Our commitment to the environment
We undertook a three-scope carbon assessment which provided valuable insights into our harmful emissions footprint. It came out at 12 tonnes of CO2 per employee.* With this figure in mind, we’re now all set to draw up an action plan to bring it down 30% by 2030. To find out more, review our Carbon Assessment.
* For France over 2021