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6 content tips from our customers for an effective career site

Powered by our career site solution, our customers innovate to offer their potential candidates the most engaging experience possible. By creating relevant page types and contents, they maximize their chances of having visitors apply to their career site. Get inspired by these best practices!
6 content tips from our customers for an effective career site

A page explaining how the recruitment process works

The Lacroix Group truly puts itself in future applicants' shoes, capitalizing on simple yet extremely transparent content to explain the recruitment process stages. The company also adds a few practical tips from the managers candidates will meet during their interviews.

Giving all the “game rules” is an excellent practice: it's easier for visitors to project themselves as candidates, and this inevitably boosts the application rate.


Who can benefit from this career site content?

Absolutely any company, of any size, in any sector! It really is a minimal investment in terms of time and energy, with a huge impact. It only takes a 2-hour workshop with the Hiring Managers to list the content to be shared, and another 2 hours to write the texts. With a CMS (Content Management System) to manage your career site, publication will be even faster!

A dedicated page for each profile with specific challenges

Like API restauration (French site) for apprentices, or ISRG for trainees, some companies have created pages dedicated to specific profiles. Here are two examples, both aimed at students & young professionals. What will they learn? What school partnerships exist with this company?

Of course, this kind of page can exist for many other specific profiles:

  • career transition profiles: support, reassurance...
  • technical profiles: technologies used, team organization...
  • international profiles: global presence, working language...
  • disabled profiles: policy, accommodation...
  • freelance/consultant profiles: offer of part-time work, contract adaptation...
  • committed profiles: volunteer days, company volunteering…

If these pages are visible from the main menu or the career site's home page, you'll benefit from another aspect of having developed them: as soon as the targeted profiles land on your site, they'll quickly identify that you're taking special care of them.

API restauration

Who can benefit from this career site content?

Organizations that target the recruitment of specific profiles and have the substance to create personalized content for them. In other words: a description of specific support, testimonials from this profile type, benefits for them, etc. If you want to address such profiles personally, you need to have the right arguments.

A quiz to better understand company jobs

The SNCF (French site) is capitalizing on gamification on its career site by offering a quiz that allows visitors to identify their ideal job within the organization. It's a quick and fun way for potential candidates to find the job that's perfect for them.

But in addition to this guided job search functionality, other types of quizzes can be created to discover the company's professions, find out where their premises are, learn more about the sector, and so on.


Who can benefit from this career site content?

Companies that want to make an impact with small, interactive content items that motivate visitors to stay on the site and see more. This content needs to be relevant to your sector and to what you offer your candidates. But if it's well delivered, it will clearly differentiate you from the competition.

Good to know: guided search is available on our career site management solution. Ask for a demo!

Access to unsolicited applications on every site pages

Even if it's not strictly speaking content, the possibility of making an unsolicited application is a real bonus, as Groupe Fournier (French site) has clearly understood. What the company does very well on its career site is to remember this “little content” called call to action. This “Unsolicited application” action button is available on every page of the site, alongside the link to discover the job offers.

All visitors immediately recognize that the company is open to unsolicited applications. The real challenge is to position it in the right spots, with enough visibility. Once again, Groupe Fournier does it very well!


Who can benefit from this career site content?

All companies who want to do more than just recruit for specific positions. Companies that want to regularly complete their talent pool with profiles that are interested in joining the company, even if there is no job offer matching them right now.

Thanks to a Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) tool, these profiles can be nurtured in a relationship of communication and trust, turning them into motivated candidates the day a suitable vacancy comes up. You save time by adopting a proactive sourcing strategy!

News on company life

Auchan Retail (French site) has 100% mastered the art of going beyond job offers. It's true that a career site is there to present the company and its job offers; but for more and more profiles, projecting themselves as employees is a requirement for applying.

How can you project yourself with a “simple” list of job vacancies?

Even if the job offers are well written, offering more global content on company life, news, internal and external actions... can be a huge asset. Auchan Retail offers news on events, awards and social commitments, as well as advice for potential candidates.

Auchan Retail

Who can benefit from this career site content?

Mainly medium-sized and large groups with regular news. There's nothing worse than a blog where the latest posts are more than 6 months old! Of course, it's not all a question of company size; some small organizations can also be sources of relevant news, showing life within the company.

The key is to have a good content basis, for example, taking inspiration from news already published on your intranet, corporate website or social networks.

A geolocation map of job offers available in every employment zone

Relais & Châteaux uses the geolocation of its offers to give a visual impression of its presence on every continent! Of course, there's also a more traditional offer list, but this view is well-suited to a global vision, often appreciated by visitors.

The company also takes advantage of this space to share some relevant key figures on its international positioning, with the number of employees and domains located in different countries around the world.

Relais & Châteaux

Who can benefit from this career site content?

Companies with several offices/locations (multiple sites) for whom a national, European or international presence is an employer-brand asset.

An excellent way to :

  • show all available positions at a glance, making it easier to find what visitors are looking for
  • visually demonstrate that career development within the company can also be geographical. A real asset when it comes to talent attraction!

👉 Ready to improve the content of your career site? You can also audit your existing career site!

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