Blog articles

10 ways to use chat for more effective recruitment
Chat is a relevant candidate recruiting strategy. We've listed the different ways you can use chat throughout the candidate journey.

4 mistakes to avoid when recruiting rare profiles: the example of developers, to be applied to all talents
Recruitment process: identifying obstacles for rare profiles (e.g. developers) applications ? How can these mistakes be avoided?

Our tips to explain the pre-recorded video interview to your candidates
Explaining to candidates what a pre-recorded video interview is is essential to reassure them: be educational and transparent!

Job offer: Top 5 mistakes according to candidates
There are 5 mistakes you must never commit as a recruiter when writing a job posting. The candidates have spoken!

Ghosting: what makes candidates stop sending news?
Are candidates ignoring you from one day to the next? Candidate ghosting can be controlled through transparency and personalization.

What are the best tools for testing candidates' motivation?
Digital tools & interview practices: there are plenty of ways to test a candidate's motivation for a recruiter. Which ones?

Pre-recorded video interview: +20 ideas for questions based on the profile you want to recruit
Pre-recorded video interview: questions tailored to the profile (job, seniority, managerial role) and the stage in the recruitment process!

Recruitment: parallel with the 8 developments in marketing since the 2000s'
Bridges between consumers and candidates are thin. If we consider candidates like customers, let's recruit like marketers!

Reskilling and upskilling: How training can help you secure high-potential candidates
Identifying them soft skills during the recruiting phase can help you anticipate training needs. Use upskilling & reskilling.

Detecting transferable skills to optimise internal mobility
People can change jobs thanks to skills that are valued for other positions, which is why it is useful to know how to identify these skills.

8 tips for original job descriptions
An effective job description must be original, provide detailed info on the company & the position to be filled, reflect the employer brand.

5 inspiring employer brand initiatives for recruiting
5 successful examples of employer brand initiatives to convert the best candidates. Attract, hire, and retain talent – the effective way.

Nurture your candidate to boost offer acceptance rates (talks with Qonto)
Improving acceptance rates by 30% isn’t an unattainable goal if you invest in your candidate experience and improve it with nurturing.

Top HR KPIs for improving hiring performance (talks with Mazars)
It is possible to improve recruiting processes through KPI monitoring and analysis. Mazars has succeeded in doing just that.

A strong employer brand to overcome the labour shortage and attract candidates (webinar with Capgemini)
Attracting rare profiles (experts, engineers, etc.) can be achieved through a strong employer brand and investing in nurturing your talents.

How to choose the right pre-recorded video interview tool?
How can I be sure to choose the right pre-recorded video interviewing tool? Flexibility, options, compatibility, design... 5 key criteria.

An easy candidate relationship with template creation: our tips
Fast, efficient, uniform communications adapted to different profiles is the key... using templates can help you become an expert in recruitment marketing.

How do pre-recorded video interviews facilitate collaborative recruitment?
The pre-recorded video interview tool improves collaborative recruitment: work more efficiently with your hiring managers!

A recruiter’s guide to pre-recorded video interviews
What are the advantages of pre-recorded video interviewing? What interview questions should you ask? Best practices.

The 4 benefits of pre-recorded video interviews for your employer brand
There are many benefits to pre-recorded video interview, in particular when it comes to improving your company's image and employer brand.